Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

Security Guard Service

PT. TIARA GADA PRATAMA, salah satu perusahaan jasa penyedia tenaga Security dan Satpam.
Satpam / Security kami telah dididik dan dilatih untuk dapat menguasai bidang kerjanya sebagai Petugas Keamanan terutama dalam penguasaan SOP Security Umum dan Security Perbankan. Tinggi Minimal security kami adalah 168 cm dengan usia 18 tahun - 35 tahun, memiliki kecakapan Bela Diri Praktis, mampu menggunakan Radio Handy Talki, Sehat fisik dan mental serta telah mengikuti tahapan seleksi yang ketat.

Percayakan Kebutuhan Jasa Pengamanan dan Training Security Perusahaan Bapak/Ibu kepada kami, sehingga Pelayanan dan Pengamanan berjalan sinkron.

Kami juga mempunyai akses ke Kepolisian dan TNI, hubungan baik dengan Kepemudaan dan tokoh-tokoh masyarakat di Sumatera Utara, dan memiliki kerja sama dengan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum.

 Kami memiliki Misi " Menciptakan Tenaga Kerja yang mempunyai nilai lebih ", sehingga ini akan membantu Perusahaan Mitra kami dalam efisiensi dan efektifitas dalam hal penguasaan kerja.

Perusahaan Mitra kami yang terhormat, dengan memakai jasa keamanan dari kami, Perusahaan Bapak / Ibu akan terbebas dari biaya pembinaan dan pelatihan kerja, karena kami akan melakukan pembinaan secara periodik dan berkesinambungan, sehingga dapat mempertahankan kualitas Pelayanan dan Pengamanan.

:15%xBasic Salary /bulan
Cara Pembayaran:Transfer Bank/ Tunai
Jumlah:tak terbatas
Kemas & Pengiriman:Seragam Kerja
Negara Asal:Indonesia
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Tn. Zainul [Manajer Umum]
Nomer HP:081297972880, 085361042777
Nomer Telpon:061-77703188
Alamat:Komp. Danau Laut Tawar Blok C-7 Binjai Timur
Medan, Sumatera Utara

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

Referensi Bela diri untuk Petugas Keamanan

Judo is found or established by Jigoro Kano, which is often disturbed in the small, approxbasic imately 1860 until 1870. With the ability to take various martial developing, Kano add techniques to create a judo throw. Judo is a word meaning "gentle way", which means, using the strength of the opponent against himself. Because this is the principle, the Judoka did not have to be more powerful than Sparingpartner. The main focus of judo is secure throw and land, rather than hit or attack.

When the Japanese samurai lose all the weapons, they will switch to the use of Jujutsu (soft art). Jujutsu evolved with a focus on the pitch, roll and kuncian themselves. But not like other self-care, Jujutsu move to more "are allowed." Traditionally, students are taught a variety of tactics "cheating" such as eyes pierce, bite, which if used properly, can kill the opponent. Martial themselves are very effective if used on short-distance combat.

Jiu Juitsu
When the Japanese samurai lose all the weapons, they will switch to the use of Jujutsu (soft art). Jujutsu evolved with a focus on the pitch, roll and secure themselves. But not like other self-care, Jujutsu move to more "are allowed." Traditionally, students are taught a variety of tactics "cheating" such as eyes pierce, bite, which if used properly, can kill the opponent. Martial themselves are very effective if used on short-distance combat.

Derived from the word that means "empty hand", as Karate was introduced without a martial weapon. Various techniques Karate was estimated from the year 1300-an, although the author "10 Precepts of Karate", Anko Itosu, father of modern karate, writing the book in the year 1908. "Karate is a technique that change hands and feet become spear" said Anko write. In the book any posts Anko, karate can be used as, "... how to avoid the melee when the villain."

Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Tn. Zainul [Direktur/CEO/Manajer Umum]
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Nomer HP:081297972880, 085361042880
Nomer Telpon:061-7770 3188
Alamat:JL. Danau Laut Tawar Komp. Danau Laut Tawar Blok. C-7 Binjai Timur
Medan, Sumatera Utara 20737


This site is a media consultancy and share experiences on security issues, solutions and technical implementation in the work environment and living environment. This site is also for security officers, Employers, security (Police and Military), Government, Society, or for anyone who would like to share experiences or give advice and input. We hope this site is useful for readers and writers in creating a sense of security for smooth aktivity us day-to-day.

Zainul Azmi Pulungan
Contact Person: 081297972880